Android TV
CastarSdk for Android TV
CastarSdk SDK for Android helps you make money with Android apps. You only need to integrate once and reap the benefits easily.
It provides an integration package to support Android applications developed using Java/Kotlin. After 48 hours, you'll see revenue data in your dashboard. This document has a complete integrated solution and takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Integration options
ARMv7 and ARMv8 architectures; Android system 4.3+
Step 1:Apply for ClientId
Go applications-> Add -> create your ClientId for Android
Step 2:Download the SDK
Click to download now. SDK for Android
Step 3:Import SDK Lib
(1).Add the CastarSdk.aar file to your project,put it into App module's libs directory.
(2).Implement sdk in your app module's build.gradle file.
(3).Add internet permission in your app module's AndroidManifest.xml file.
(4).Create your Application, init sdk and start it.
(5).Declare your application in your AndroidManifest.xml file.
Optional APIs
Start service ( Attention: It needs to be started in a sub thread )
Stop service
Other questions
How to check the docking status after the docking is completed?
You can check the docking status of the SDK in the Dashboard - Applicatiopns menu. After the SDK is integrated and initialized successfully, you can check the activation status on the Dashboard. There is a 10-15 minute delay in the first activation status. Please wait patiently for the status update.
After the docking is completed, there is no data on the dashboard after the hang-up test?
Our Dashboard data refresh time is 0:00 every day to settle the previous day's earnings. After you generate data today, please query the test data the next day. We will settle your previous day's earnings the next day.
Contact us
If you have other questions, you can consult through the Livechat customer service window on the right side of the dial and official website, or you can contact our customer service staff through the following channels
Official email :
WhatsAPP :
Last updated