Earn income

Launch your app and start earning extra income

Start earning extra income

When you have completed all the above steps, you need to list your original APP on the application market. We will settle your income based on the regions where your users are distributed and the quality of IP addresses.

The more users your APP has, the higher the revenue we will give you, but the way we calculate revenue will change due to some conditions.

Profit rules

We will filter out your valid data through the following conditions and calculate your income based on the valid data. The level of valid data has a direct impact on your income. Please read the following instructions carefully:

  • Different countries offer different bids. The higher the effective data in the region with high prices, the higher the profit.

  • Prices in different regions will be adjusted according to business needs. The higher the unit price, the more effective data, and the higher the profit.

  • Prices will change according to network types such as home broadband, mobile network, ISP, data center and other attributes.

  • The longer the online time of a single IP, the higher the price.

  • The higher the bandwidth of a single IP, the higher the price.

  • The higher the success rate of the IP when accessing public data, the higher the price.

Other issues

The above profit rules will directly affect your profit level. If the profit decreases, you can adjust it through the operation plan.

If you have any questions during the process, you can contact the CastarSDK team on WhatsApp or Skype, and we will respond to you in a timely manner.

Last updated